V for Vienna and video

The fourth RECOMS training took place between 3-13th February in Vienna, Austria and was centered around communication through numerous methods including storyboarding, participatory video making and video editing as well as exhibition setting. 

©Soledad Muniz

RECOMS Training 4, Creativity, visualisation and communication: Workshop and master class was held in Vienna, Austria hosted by BOKU University between 3rd-13th February 2020. During the training, 15 Fellows participated with mentors representing all beneficiaries of the project along with more than 10 presenters. The aim of the training was to equip the RECOMS fellows with skills in visualising research results and in creative communication, so as to maximise their capacity to achieve research impact and stimulate on-the-ground transformative thinking. By using a variety of creative methods, the fellows could fine-tune their ability to translate the scientific concepts they work with and/or their (preliminary) research results in a ‘visual language’ that can be understood by and resonates with the broad public. The work on the videos (storyboarding of the educational film clips, editing of a 2-minute video, and a session on participatory film making) enabled the fellows to produce videos, an important medium to communicate with the public. The Master Class on ‘research impact and transformative thinking through visual exhibition’ provided important input for the fellows who will have the opportunity to participate in preparing an exhibition as part of the final RECOMS conference. The training was thus not just about the visual ‘products’, the training was also about the process: through the work of ‘translating’ the fellows reflected on which of their research results could be made meaningful for various audiences, and why some results may be more suited to be (visually) communicated than others. Additionally, as at every Training Event, time was reserved for exchanges and discussions among the fellows on the progress of their PhD research and on various collective RECOMS deliverables.