
Kick off meeting

The RECOMS kick off meeting took place on 26-28th March, 2018 in Coventry where all partners gathered to launch the project and lay the basis of cooperation for the upcoming 4 years of the project. During the kick-off meeting, besides planning thoroughly the whole project, we discussed our upcoming trainings, recruitment strategy and our communication tools. 

RECOMS was in Barcelona!

A writing retreat was something most of us were looking for in the past several months. For a variety of reasons: some wanted to have time and space dedicated specifically to cracking that stubborn article-in-the-making, some longed for a change of scenery to feel inspired and bring that inspiration to finishing up their PhD projects, some, quite frankly, had never been to Barcelona and wanted to go. Going anywhere was not an option for many of us in the past year and a half; neither was saying a proper good-bye to each other and to the ITN.


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